I took on this personal project to refresh a motovloggers' logo that I follow on YouTube. This motovlogger has used this logo for at least 5+ years and I felt it could use a little optimizing to enhance the design.
This is the current logo for the YouTuber chaseontwhowheels.

Original Logo
The original logo is based off the helmet that chaseontwowheels is know for wearing called a Variant. Below is a photo of chase, standing next to his R6, wearing the Variant Double Stack helmet.

I wanted to try and create a version of his existing logo with cleaner lines and sharper angles that I believe fit more in-line with his style. I kept the design based off the Variant helmet but focused more detail on the unique features.
These were some of the initial explorations I did on paper.
and this is where I ended up landing for the refreshed version of the helmet logo. I created a more prominent visor with air scoops as well as added ventilation shapes around the nose area. I also cleaned up the lines on the outside of the helmet and introduced some sharper angles.

New Design
These are other variations that include the C2W acronym worked into the helmet design.

and here are some swag designs I created with the new logo variations.