In 2018, I took on this personal project to redesign the website that had existed. At the time, I took all the existing content from the original site and applied more modern UX/UI decisions to the redesign. On top of refreshing the look and feel I also included a couple new items geared towards attracting newer riders or people thinking about getting into riding.
These additions can be seen up in the main nav with links for 'test ride' or 'learn to ride.' There is also a new section for teasing the latest Suzuki models, a new riders course section, easy to opt-in newsletter feature and a back to top feature added into the redesign.
The new design was also created to be responsive as the original website was not.
Here's a look at what home page looked like in 2018.

Old design from 2018
This is my redesigned version of the home page that I also created in 2018.

This screen shot below shows how navigation originally functioned. Once you clicked on a tab in the main nav it would direct you to a new page. This page shows what it looked like if you clicked on Motorcycles.

Old design from 2018

This is my designs navigation expanded. You can quickly hover over each model with your mouse to reveal a photo of the bike with its details which allows you to control how much content you see. My navigation is much more compact keeping you from being forced to scroll to see all the bikes as with the previous design. You can also click on a bikes name from the left hand nav or the photo of the bike itself to be taken to the specific bikes details page.

This is my designs product details page for the 2018 Suzuki GSX-R1000R sport bike.

But wait! There's mobile too! Checkout my short video where I go through a mobile prototype I created using invision studio.
and if you'd like to test the mobile prototype yourself you can by clicking on the button below!